Physical activity assures both physical and mental well being amongst the elders in our communities. Unlike exercise classes, dance provides an artistic opportunity of self expression and communication, as well as body and movement awareness in relationship with time and space.
Our experience teaching dance to elders, suggests participants seek to adquire new concepts. As a consequence of early retirement, senior centers are experiencing a “new” wave of seniors: the baby boomers. Seniors ages 55 and above are extremely active, thus need activities that will enhance their learning capabilities and challenge them.
The Bombazo Dance education provides learning tools and resources where seniors acquire transferable skills applicable to any life situation. Our director, Milteri Tucker Concepcion, has been working and engaging seniors with dance throughout New York City and the Tri- State area since 2008. Ms. Tucker has developed a holistic curriculum in Bomba dance pedagogy. Participating senior centers have experienced Bomba dance, drum and performance workshops with Ms. Tucker and the professional dancers from the company. Seniors participating, along with their respective center have performed at:
Pregones Theater
Hostos Community College
Casita Maria
Boogie on The Boulevard, Bronx Museum
Andrew Freedman House
Bronx Supreme Court- *** In attendance: Honorable Ruben Diaz Jr., Bronx Borough President.
Connecticut Arts Festival
Respective Centers Community fairs and block parties
National Puerto Rican Day Parade
World Rhythms Festival in New Orleans, Louisiana
Our seniors and program has been featured in:
Open with Rhina Valentin
Bronx News 12
N.Y. 1
WB 11
Daily News (Article)
El Diario
Interested Senior Centers in having our program at their location can contact us by emailing: bombazodanceco@gmail.com Header: Bombazo Senior Program